sorry,kita tak sejalan sepertinya kita tak sepaham....
gak tau kenapa gw seneng sama ni lagu...
apa karna liriknya atau nadanya...
banyak amat malah.
gw tuh paling seneng sama simple plan..mungkin ada sekitar 5-7 liriknya gw apal..
terus selain nadanya menurut gw isi lagunya juga keren,yang gw inget pertama kali gw denger lagu simple plan judulnya tuh when i'm gone
nih gw tulis lyricnya yah tanpa liat lyric aslinya...
i look around me
but all i seem to see
is people going nowhere excepting sympathy
is like where going through the motion
of a scripted destiny
trying to waste our inspiration if life won't wait
i guess it up to me...
no were not gonna waste another moment in this town
and we won't come back the world is calling out
leave the past in the past gonna find the future
misery love company well
so long you'll miss me when i'm gone...
you're gonna miss me when i'm gone....
running circle in my head
while you sit there contempleting
you'll end up life for death
for life is what happen
while you're busy making your excuses
another they another casualty
but that won't happen to me..
no were not gonna waste another moment in this town
and we won't come back the world is calling out
leave the past in the past gonna find the future
misery love company well
so long you'll miss me when i'm gone...
you're gonna miss me when i'm gone
i won't look back when i say goodbye
gonna leave this hole behind be
gonna takes what mine tonight
cause every wasted day
become a wasted change
you're gonna wake up feeling sorry
cause life won't wait
i guess it up to you.
tuh lyricknya gw posting tanpa melihat lyric aslinya lho..
jadi maaf kalo ada kesalahan ya...
apa karna liriknya atau nadanya...
kalo gw sih seneng lagu indonesia dikit,paling kyk lagu band2 gitu gw suka...
kalo lagu luar negeri sih banyak....banyak amat malah.
gw tuh paling seneng sama simple plan..mungkin ada sekitar 5-7 liriknya gw apal..
terus selain nadanya menurut gw isi lagunya juga keren,yang gw inget pertama kali gw denger lagu simple plan judulnya tuh when i'm gone
nih gw tulis lyricnya yah tanpa liat lyric aslinya...
i look around me
but all i seem to see
is people going nowhere excepting sympathy
is like where going through the motion
of a scripted destiny
trying to waste our inspiration if life won't wait
i guess it up to me...
no were not gonna waste another moment in this town
and we won't come back the world is calling out
leave the past in the past gonna find the future
misery love company well
so long you'll miss me when i'm gone...
you're gonna miss me when i'm gone....
running circle in my head
while you sit there contempleting
you'll end up life for death
for life is what happen
while you're busy making your excuses
another they another casualty
but that won't happen to me..
no were not gonna waste another moment in this town
and we won't come back the world is calling out
leave the past in the past gonna find the future
misery love company well
so long you'll miss me when i'm gone...
you're gonna miss me when i'm gone
i won't look back when i say goodbye
gonna leave this hole behind be
gonna takes what mine tonight
cause every wasted day
become a wasted change
you're gonna wake up feeling sorry
cause life won't wait
i guess it up to you.
tuh lyricknya gw posting tanpa melihat lyric aslinya lho..
jadi maaf kalo ada kesalahan ya...
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